Tired of paying more at the Gas Pump?

The Rise in Car Ownership

Driving a car is more expensive than it has been in years. And unfortunately, you have little control over this increase in prices. And I wish we could say that the cost of auto insurance premiums is decreasing. Instead the…

Gap Insurance – Should You Add it to Your Policy?

Gap Insurance

The moment you drive a new car off the lot, it starts to depreciate. In fact, most cars lose 20 percent of their value within a year. Gap insurance is an optional, add-on car insurance coverage that can help certain…

Full Coverage Insurance – Is There Such a Thing?

When people talk about “full coverage” car insurance, they’re often referring to a combination of coverages that help protect a vehicle. But, there’s really no such thing as “full coverage” for your car. If your lender uses the term “full…

Why Do Auto Insurance Rates Go Up?

car accident man on phone

There are several factors that can affect your auto insurance each year, and these factors continue to change over time. Some reasons could be related to your driving record or credit score, while other reasons could be out of your…

GAPs in Policy Coverage and how they impact you

luxury items

Ask yourself a few easy questions to determine if you should make changes to your current policy to ensure that you are properly covered: Did you change the deed to your home into a trust, LLC or life tenant? Did…

The Cost of Unwanted Water

Protect Your Home

If you live near a body of water – a small pond, large river, or an ocean, you’re probably aware of the risks that water can present to your property. In fact, according to FEMA, “A property does not have…

Do Insurance Calculators Only Add?

Dear Trusted Clients:  Premiums are going up. It may have you scratching your head and wondering, “Do Insurance calculators only add? What happened to the subtraction button?” In this time of increased inflation, it’s frustrating to see that even your…

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